Tuesday, October 27, 2015

Camp Crystal Lake Short Announced!

 As Halloween quickly approaches, there seems to be a quiet stirring in the midnight air. That subtle noise that draws your attention as you lay awake at night, wondering if you are indeed as alone as you thought!

Fear you should, for Hectic Films in association with Curtis Noble Photography & Project Oh! Magazine have been burning up the midnight oil to produce and film a new terror short for your Halloween enjoyment.

Camp Crystal Lake is a fan film short from the world of Friday the 13th. Starring Jessica Bertrand, Erica Morgan, and D.T. Carney as Jason Vorhees, the hockey mask wearing lover of weaponry and murder! Oh how it warms my horror loving heart just thinking about it!

Camp Crystal Lake is the brainchild of the award winning Rickey Bird from Hectic Films and Curtis Noble of Curtis Noble Photography. Curtis actually discovered the location while snapping some awesome pictures for his photography business and mentioned it to Rickey. Together they quickly drove up and scouted this deserted area to make sure it hadn't been torn down, or over run by bears. Seeing that all was well, they rallied the troops and headed off to film.

However, this last minute idea never would have happened on it's own. In fact, the call to arms went out not long ago and was answered swiftly by local artists, actors, and entrepreneurs.

Jeremy Gonzalez, the founder of Project Oh! Magazine jumped on board and brought No Image Photography to this table of terror. In addition, Curtis Noble of Curtis Noble Photography slashed some time from a very busy schedule to be a part of this fan film project. The actors, Jessica Bertrand, Erica Morgan, and D.T. Carney heard the idea and fell in love with it as well, making time and sacrifices to make sure Hectic Films could get this out to the people by Halloween 2015!

There were others who headed out into the night to make sure this project got done as well. Among those who waded out into the post mud slides darkness are Rickey Bird III, Charlie Jacquez, and others!

  crystal lake poster 3

Even after all this sacrifice and hard work, Camp Crystal Lake still needed a little extra help to get it ready for it's Halloween release! Enter the ever cunning magician of post production magic Jason Sanders of Cinertain Drive-In Bakersfield, who dedicated time and resources to this project, while juggling many others at the same time!

While Team Hectic Films scampered about tying up loose ends, as well as witnesses, and finishing the film, actor and model Erica Morgan had an idea. Why just stop at releasing it online? Why not find an amazing Halloween Party event to showcase it?

That is when Patrick and Priscilla Spurlock got involved and with the help of 89.7fm (KSVG Savage Radio) and Sandrini's Bar, offered to bring the unedited version of Camp Crystal Lake to the Phantom Strangers Halloween Boogeyman Jam on Saturday October 31st.

That's right folks, anyone and everyone can watch the edited version when it releases to stream for free on October 30th, and then the party people can get down to Sandrini's on Saturday and watch the full version, with a hint of nudity on Saturday!

Check out the Behind the Scenes Outtake:


Wednesday, March 4, 2015

Naked Zombie Girl Bootleg Edition Now on DVD!


The long awaited dvd Naked Zombie Girl is just went on sale at www.hecticfilms.com. The decision was made to sell them on Amazon, but they take an extremely long time to approve a film. So we thought, why not pack a DVD with not only NZG, but add some extras including the behind the scenes video of the Malevolent Magazine photo shoot.

Malevolent Magazine

Check out Malevolent Magazine Here:

The DVD Packages

Did I say that we have also added interviews with the cast and crew from the movie premiere? Or that the DVD comes packed with 2 short films and a music video from Forget Your Friends "Scream Queen" Featuring Naked Zombie Girl. We also have 3 different package types. The first package is "Just the DVD" this includes just a DVD. Second is the "Help us Package" in this package you get your DVD  and poster signed by director Rickey Bird. And our third package is the best deal! The "Total Package" comes with a DVD signed by the director, the first issue of the NZG comic, a signed poster and a 4x6 signed by Naked Zombie Girl herself Meghan Chadeayne. You also will get some Hectic Films and Naked Zombie Girl stickers.  This is a sweet deal for anyone that loves zombies and naked chicks, lol.

So where does the money go? Well I think Walt Disney said it best, 

“We Don’t Make Movies To Make Money, We Make Money To Make More Movies.”

That's our goal. 100% of the profit is going into future projects. That is what we will continue to do. So if you just want to help us out get a "Help us Package". If you really want to help us out get the "Total Package". And if you just wanna see it, then just get the dvd. 

Is the movie any good you ask. Well our dear friend Scratchy Pete seems to think so. Check out his review of the film:

NAKED ZOMBIE GIRL “…Stripped naked…armed to the teeth…all 40 of them on a 20 inch bar…” “…Will leave you gagging for more…” Director Rickey Bird Jr has nailed it in 2014. With a great title, images of gore and beauty in the form of the unashamedly delicious Meghan Chadeayne, this one was destined for Grindhouse greatness or garbage. Exceeding all expectations. Thank you for the opportunity to get to review this one first. Rated “N” for Nudity and shot in glorious 2D. Screams, running and gasping for air – panic in her eyes…those gorgeous pale blue eyes…wide open, a distant bell tolls, a sea of crowd noise… A gunshot. And the scripture states “Their flesh will rot while they stand on their feet, their eyes will rot in their sockets and their tongues will rot in their mouths”. Opening credits roll with film negative images that tease grainy grindhouse goodness… Start your engine – your rusted out 1971 Cadillac Fleetwood Broughman hits the highway with Barbara at the wheel – smoking coolly with her passengers Tony and Jill along for the ride. Swerving to avoid dead bodies, the radio calling it the end of the world. Tony is far from cool, Tony is anything but well. The bite mark oozing blood and puss and as the car splutters its final breath, the passengers suffer a similar fate. Sanders/Bird Construction Co next exit. The middle of nowhere and the car becomes a prison, a haven from the walking dead – grasping, groaning, rotting. Eating flesh almost animal like, the scent of a new food source… Black Doc Martins kick the car door, a yellow dress caught on the catch and Barbara is left naked, shooting and running to escape. A temporary shelter offers little privacy – reality sets in with each bullet unloaded – it’s time to get real. In the form of a bright yellow chainsaw that rips flesh…decapitations left and right, blood soaked goodness covering her smooth skin…face, breasts, arms, legs and everything in between… One mean mother…sexy as hell…meets her match with a worthy adversary and shows us just how competent she is with a tire iron… A straggler just won’t quit and when the chainsaw kicks into life, you watch and watch again a scene that would make Leatherface more than proud. Hell, I was cheering her on – she had my full admiration in more ways than one… A heroine was born right there. But everyone needs a little help from a Redneck and Barry helps her out as she approaches ladylike towards his ute…”C’mon get those butt cheeks in here”… whilst you as a viewer can’t help noticing the rest of her that needs a helping hand too. Padgett Towing – If you’re stuck, we’ll yank on ya… A kind offer in a desolate situation, but somewhat premature… A shower to wash the blood and grime away, a fresh start, yet something is not quite right. Standing in the hallway, visions of suffering between her open legs and like the final curtain falling ,it’s time to grab the chainsaw and drop the yellow towel. Naked once again, a look of intensity in her eyes as a zombie tongue wags crudely at what it sees before her… Naked Zombie Girl, I think I am in love… 30 minutes of pure entertainment. Hardly a word spoken. Acting cleverly and skilfully portrayed in true Grindhouse style, not amateur, I am talking skill. Gore that soaks the screen, effects and make up that you just want to roll around in…blood and guts… A woman with a chainsaw that stakes a new claim to the Horror Queen stakes – eyes you want to bathe in, a form that is both seductive yet formidable with curves in all the right places… A real winner in my book, leaving me with a few desperate needs…one of which is a full length feature. “…Naked Zombie Girl rocks…”   “Scratchy” Pete April 2014 

Check out Scratchy Pete on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/pete.ellott?fref=nf&pnref=story

Still not convinced? Then sit back and enjoy the trailer:

Thursday, February 26, 2015

INFECTION (Zombie Short) Interview with Cesareo Garasa

Cesareo Garasa interviewed Rickey Bird about our short film INFECTION that is currently in the Horror Block Film Festival AKA #HBFilmFest with Rue Morgue. A special thanks! To all the people that voted already! All you have to do is hit the LIKE button AKA the Thumbs Up Button to vote!

Here is a preview from the article by Cesareo Garasa in The Bakersfield Californian

Bakersfield's Hectic Films has been making some big strides since 2014's "Naked Zombie Girl" had its premiere at the legendary TCL Chinese Theatre last October and even spawned its own comic book (which can be found under the "store" tab on www.hecticfilms.com).

So when the opportunity arose to submit a short film for competition in the HB (Horror Block) Film Fest, putting the company in the running for the $10,000 top prize, Hectic Films' co-founder Rickey Bird decided that entering was a, uh, no-brainer....

Read the whole article here:

Check out the video and hit the "LIKE" button!

Check out The Phantom Stranger:

Check out Project OH! magazine:

Friday, February 13, 2015

INFECTION Zombie Short goes for the WIN! #HBFilmFest

"Please take a moment to like this film on YouTube. We did. 3 of 4 stars. "– The Omelet Team

Our Current status is 2nd Place! Keep up to date with the film fest HERE

We're excited to be a part of this contest hosted by Horror Block and Rue Morgue. The grand prize is $10,000 for best horror short, so we entered our zombie short film INFECTION. We shot this film in a parking garage late one evening with only four people; epic special FX artist Nick Reisinger, camera operator David Karnowski and one of Hectic Film's best grips Anthony Galland. We had been planning a day shoot but we unfortunately ran out of light. Making the best of the situation, we went to a local parking garage. We were lucky, and the parking garage was deserted so it was a perfect filming location. Nick used his talents to turn Anthony into a zombie quickly, and we were ready to shoot! 

We pulled into the parking garage and unloaded the little gear we had at the time. David was armed with a Canon 5D and Nick picked up the Canon 7D. Nick caught all the extra shots so different angles would feel the same and natural. We started this project only wanting to do one thing: have a man fight a zombie and then turn into one. We used the fact that the garage was deserted to help create the atmosphere we wanted. We checked our surroundings and came up with the best type of situation that would happen in that location. I feel that we came up with a good plan. So we shot for a couple of hours and fortunately no one came through there while we were filming, which made it great! 

One thing we did mess up with is you can see Nick in one of the shots! If you haven't already, check it out and see if you can find him. If you have watched it already, then watch it again and keep your eyes open for him!  (See the clip here) Once we finished, I cut the footage and sent it over to our best editor, Jason Sanders. He added few effects to the footage; for example the shot of the police car was just a regular car but Jason was able to add lights on in post. Once Jason had shined up the footage, we sent it over to Landen Belardes and Nick Stockman to create the score. They put a great mix together and once we added it, we had a completed film.

Hopefully if you're reading this, you want to give us a hand to win this contest! This is how you can help: all we need you to do is click on that YouTube video above or click here. Then you hit the like button on YouTube. If you don't have a YouTube account, you can start one HERE.  

Please leave us a comment even if you didn't like it! If you did like it, you should be leaving a comment anyway. :) We greatly appreciate the support we have already received by so many awesome people! With your help, we know we can win this thing! So again, please check out the video and hit the like button. Share it with your friends and anyone you know that likes horror. Post it on your Facebook, Twitter and Instagram.

Also check out Horror Block aka Nerd Block. They send you epic stuff every month for cheap! :) It's a cool way to get something unexpectedly exciting in the mail once a month. Check them out!

Check out Rue Morgue Magazine as well! They are an epic horror magazine that is a MUST for any horror fan! :) And they support indie horror which is alway a plus! :)

So please share and use these hashtags, #HBFilmFest #INFECTION #TeamHecticFilms

Thank you for your continued support of our projects! Much Love!

-Rickey Bird